Genocide Awareness Month

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Genocide Awareness Month - thirty days of remembrance, learning, and activism to bring us closer to the promise of #NeverAgain. Join AMEL and the international #TogetherWeRemember Coalition all throughout April as we work to turn collective memory into collective action to end identity-based violence, once and for all.

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Each week during #GenocideAwarenessMonth the #TogetherWeRemember Coalition is asking a big question to spark dialogue and action to make #NeverAgain a reality. Join us by replying to the question of the week using #BigAsk or sharing longer responses on

There are also a variety of other ways to get involved throughout the month of April: join inspiring events, access resources and toolkits, add your voice to the campaign, organize a virtual vigil, participate in the #ArtAgainstAtrocities competition, and connect with students, activists and survivors of identity-based violence across the world. Together we will apply the lessons of the past to our present in order to counter division and hate in our schools, communities, and on social media. And on April 29th, we will come together online for an unprecedented 24-hour global vigil to conclude Genocide Awareness Month and unite in the fight against hate worldwide.

Visit our campaign website to get started today: